Soome ja Saksa sihtturgude seminar “Automotive meets ICT”
Ettevõtluse ja Innovatsiooni Sihtasutus kutsub Eesti IKT ja elektroonika valdkonna ettevõtteid Soome ja Saksa sihtturu seminarile, mis toimub 19. aprillil kell 9.30–14.30.
Digitaalne ümberkujundamine autotööstuses: kuhu me oleme teel?
Autotööstus ja nende tarnijad peavad toime tulema kaugeleulatuvate muudatustega. Üleminek kliimasõbralikele sõiduvahenditele, tootmise ja sõidukite digitaliseerimine kujundavad tööstust järgnevatel aastatel. Muutuste tõukejõuks on praeguse aja kolm põhisuunda: digi-ja roheüleminek ning mobiilsus. Kliendikogemusel on otsustav tähtsus konkurentsis.
E/E platvormide kiire arenguga muutuvad autod üha enam ratastel liikuvateks arvutiteks, tarkvaraga määratletud sõidukiteks. Pideva arenguga samas tempos kasvavad ka ootused e-taustateenuste kättesaadavusele.
Kelle jaoks on seminar mõeldud?
Seminarile ootame osalema kõiki Eesti IKT ja elektroonika valdkonna ettevõtteid, kes on huvitatud Soome ja/või Saksa turust, plaanivad sinna siseneda või seal laieneda
Seminari päevakava
Seminar toimub eesti ja inglise keeles
9.30 hommikukohv
10.00-11.15 SOOME TURG
10.00 Seminari avasõnad/ EASi Soome ja Saksa ekspordinõunikud
10.03 Welcome and overview of Finnish economy/ Frans-Anton Flander, Special Advisor, Trade affairs, Embassy of Finland, Tallinn
10.15 Co-creating automotive innovations / Business Oulu Automotive cluster / Eija Hämäläinen, Cluster Manager
10.35 Unikie Oy experience in the automotive industry /Unikie Oy/Ville Ilves, CEO
10.55 Birkle IT experience in the automotive industry / Birkle IT Estonia OÜ, /Marco Spielmann, CEO
11.15-12.30 lõuna ja networking
12.30-14.00 SAKSA TURG
12.30 Robert Bosch GmbH and trends in automotive sector / Stefan Meyer, Cross-Domain Computing Solutions, Strategic Partner Management (XC/SPM), Robert Bosch GmbH
13.00 BMW connected drive /Olga Pinapfel / project leader telematics unit BMW AG
13.20 Mapless Autonomy – a robust approach towards large scale autonomous vehicle deployment / Dr. Stephan Matz, Managing Director/driveblocks GmbH,
While the autonomous driving community has seen an increasing number of impressive technology demonstrations, one of the key challenges remains to solve scalability, safety, and robustness issues to achieve a viable business case and enter an era where autonomous vehicles can be rolled out on a larger scale. One of these challenges can be attributed to the wide-spread use of high-definition maps, which are costly and difficult to acquire, maintain and distribute to the fleet. The focus of this talk is going to be the “Mapless Autonomy” approach developed by driveblocks, which is a new perception and sensor-fusion technology to build a local representation of the world around an autonomous vehicle in real-time. This significantly reduces the requirements for maps and is eventually going to fully replace them.
13.40 How High Mobility became the sparring partner for Porsche, BMW, Mercedes-Benz and other German OEMs for open ecosystems / Risto Vahtra, CEO, co-founder, High Mobility GmbH,
For over 100 years, the auto industry has operated on carefully designed and nurtured supplier networks. Over the last decade, new mobility service models have redefined the competitive technology landscape of the automotive industry. During this time, the industry has adopted the acronym CASE to describe vehicles of the future: connected, autonomous, shared, and electric. Each of these has the power to turn the entire industry upside down. But the true revolution is in combining them in a comprehensive, seamless package – what Mercedes calls “Intuitive Mobility”. In this talk, High Mobility will gladly share its role in this new ecosystem – what challenges have been overcome and what is still ahead.
- Sihtturu seminarile saad registreeruda lehekülje ülaosas oleva lingi kaudu.
- Seminar on tasuta, kuid vajalik on eelregistreerimine hiljemalt 14. aprillil.
- Seminari rahastatakse Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fondi vahenditest.
Osale seminaril
Seminar toimub eesti ja inglise keeles
9.30 hommikukohv
10.00-11.15 SOOME TURG
10.00 Seminari avasõnad/ EASi Soome ja Saksa ekspordinõunikud
10.03 Welcome and overview of Finnish economy/ Frans-Anton Flander, Special Advisor, Trade affairs, Embassy of Finland, Tallinn
10.15 Co-creating automotive innovations / Business Oulu Automotive cluster / Eija Hämäläinen, Cluster Manager
10.35 Unikie Oy experience in the automotive industry /Unikie Oy/Ville Ilves, CEO
10.55 Birkle IT experience in the automotive industry / Birkle IT Estonia OÜ, /Marco Spielmann, CEO
11.15-12.30 lõuna ja networking
12.30-14.00 SAKSA TURG
12.30 Robert Bosch GmbH and trends in automotive sector / Stefan Meyer, Cross-Domain Computing Solutions, Strategic Partner Management (XC/SPM), Robert Bosch GmbH
13.00 BMW connected drive /Olga Pinapfel / project leader telematics unit BMW AG
13.20 Mapless Autonomy – a robust approach towards large scale autonomous vehicle deployment / Dr. Stephan Matz, Managing Director/driveblocks GmbH,
While the autonomous driving community has seen an increasing number of impressive technology demonstrations, one of the key challenges remains to solve scalability, safety, and robustness issues to achieve a viable business case and enter an era where autonomous vehicles can be rolled out on a larger scale. One of these challenges can be attributed to the wide-spread use of high-definition maps, which are costly and difficult to acquire, maintain and distribute to the fleet. The focus of this talk is going to be the “Mapless Autonomy” approach developed by driveblocks, which is a new perception and sensor-fusion technology to build a local representation of the world around an autonomous vehicle in real-time. This significantly reduces the requirements for maps and is eventually going to fully replace them.
13.40 How High Mobility became the sparring partner for Porsche, BMW, Mercedes-Benz and other German OEMs for open ecosystems / Risto Vahtra, CEO, co-founder, High Mobility GmbH,
For over 100 years, the auto industry has operated on carefully designed and nurtured supplier networks. Over the last decade, new mobility service models have redefined the competitive technology landscape of the automotive industry. During this time, the industry has adopted the acronym CASE to describe vehicles of the future: connected, autonomous, shared, and electric. Each of these has the power to turn the entire industry upside down. But the true revolution is in combining them in a comprehensive, seamless package – what Mercedes calls “Intuitive Mobility”. In this talk, High Mobility will gladly share its role in this new ecosystem – what challenges have been overcome and what is still ahead.
- Sihtturu seminarile saad registreeruda lehekülje ülaosas oleva lingi kaudu.
- Seminar on tasuta, kuid vajalik on eelregistreerimine hiljemalt 14. aprillil.
- Seminari rahastatakse Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fondi vahenditest.