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Kandideeri rahvusvahelisele intensiivravi osakondade desinfitseerimise võimaluste e-pitchingule

Euroopa Innovatsiooninõukogu (EIC) koos innovatsioonihangete pädevuskeskuste Euroopa võrgustikuga korraldavad 14.12.2022 e-pitchingu tervishoiusektoris.

Ürituse eesmärgiks on EIC toetusesaajate ja innovatsioonihangete võrgustikus osalevate riikide väikese- ja keskmise suurusega (SME) ettevõtete sobitamine avaliku sektori hankijate vajadustega tervishoiusektoris.

Ettevõtete esitlusi tulevad kuulama Austria, Eesti, Kreeka, Saksamaa ja Soome haiglad.

Eestist saame kutsuda osalema ühe ettevõtte.

Toimumise kuupäev
10. november - 14. detsember 2022
inglise keel
Registreerimine suletud

Kellele on e-pitching mõeldud?

Eelistame uuendusmeelseid väike-​ja keskmise suurusega ettevõtteid, sh iduettevõtteid, kes oskavad pakkuda lahendusi järgmisele väljakutsele:

Disinfection of Intensive Care Units

An extremely important factor for the operation of the Intensive Care Units, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, is the control of hospital infections in the Intensive Care Units. To achieve this goal, a crucial factor is the adherence of the workforce to the rules of hygiene. This adherence is extremely low when there is understaffing due to workload and cumulative fatigue over time. Therefore, to improve the control of the spread of in-hospital multi-resistant bacteria, the most important interventions, in theory, are firstly the appropriate staffing (required number of people), the training of the staff, but also the methods of maintaining the adherence of the staff to the hygiene rules, along with the implementation of an innovative, efficient and green technological solution for the disinfection of the rooms and the equipment.  


While innovative technology interventions cannot cover any potential understaffing, as human resource gaps are very likely to undermine the effectiveness of the innovative intervention, the procurers are seeking innovative solutions for the disinfection of rooms and equipment that are efficient and green that can be implemented and evaluated in units that have the appropriate human resources with the ultimate goal of further improving the control of the spread of multi-resistant strains.



Terje Kaelep

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