Showing 1 - 20 results from a total of 21
Grant for knowledge-intensive activities of Ida-Viru enterprisesOpen22.06.2023 - decisions until the budget is exhausted. An approved project plan does not guarantee receiving a grant... that invest in Ida-Viru County may receive the grant. The programme consists of advising and supporting... The minimum grant amount to be applied for in the application stage is 100,000 euros...OpenGrants, Product development and innovation
International conference grantClosed17.11.2021 - We support the organisation of international conferences in Estonia and their marketing in foreign markets to increase the number of foreign visitors with higher purchasing power in Estonia and to increase recognition of Estonia...ClosedGrants, Tourism
Grant for large investorOpen26.11.2021 - We support investments in the manufacturing industry We support investments that contribute to the creation of higher added value and the growth of an entrepreneur's international competitiveness...OpenGrants, Business development
Grant for international eventsClosed30.11.2021 - The 2023 grant application round has ended. A new round of applications is being planned for the autumn...ClosedGrants, Tourism
Investment grant for Ida-Viru companiesClosed30.06.2022 - to diversify their business practices. The grant will enable investments to be made that will create new job... positions. Applying for the grant is closed...ClosedGrants, Business development
Development centres investment grantOpen29.11.2021 - We support the establishment and expansion of development centres in Estonia. Applications for support can be submitted continuously. Pre-consultation must be completed before submitting application...OpenGrants, Business development
Investment grant for small and medium-sized Ida-Viru enterprisesClosed29.06.2023 - as in the development of processes related to the company's product or service. Due to the implementation... We support the diversification of the Ida-Viru economy With the grant... their business practices. The grant can be used to invest in product development, as well...ClosedGrants, Business development
Grant for Companies' Research and Development EmployeesOpen28.02.2024 - and development (R&D) activities. This grant encourages entrepreneurs to invest...OpenGrants, Äri arendamine
Norway Grants ‘Green ICT’ programme 2014-2021Closed29.11.2021 - in Estonia’s private sector. Programme aims to stimulate and develop long-term business cooperation between Estonia and Norway. Call is closed...ClosedGrants, Product development and innovation
Grant for the implementation of a development plan for creative entrepreneursOpen21.12.2021 - and implementation of innovative solutions; we also support the development of products, services, technologies... processes and personnel. The grant is also suitable for developing new market opportunities... Grant regulation Applying for the grant...OpenGrants, Business development
Systematic export to JapanClosed26.10.2023 - The "Systematic export in Japan" program launched by EAS is intended for ICT and Smart City sector companies as a first step in exporting to Japan. It helps the companies get to know the target...ClosedService, Eksport
Grant for developing export capacity for creative entrepreneurshipOpen20.12.2021 - Grant regulation Applying... for the grant is ongoing. Before submitting the application, ask questions and register for a preliminary consultation...OpenGrants, Eksport
Export advisory services in target marketsOpen28.12.2021 - We offer consultations on how to enter different export markets and advance your business...OpenService, Eksport
Programme for applied research: small projectsOpen26.07.2022 - products or services. The programme consists of advising companies and supporting applied research...OpenGrants, Product development and innovation
EurostarsOpen02.12.2021 - Eurostars is an activity under the European Partnership on Innovative SMEs within the European Horizon partnership. You can find more information about partnerships...OpenGrants, Product development and innovation
Euroopa Horisont EIC AcceleratorOpen28.12.2021 - Ettevõtluskiirendi EIC Accelerator eesmärgiks on pakkuda riskialti(ma)t kapitali üksikettevõtetele tehnoloogia- ja teadmusmahukate lahenduste turuvalmiks arendamisel ja turule toomisel...OpenGrants, Product development and innovation
Programme for applied researchOpen30.11.2021 - products or services. The programme consists of advising companies and supporting applied research...OpenGrants, Product development and innovation
Development cooperation consultationOpen15.12.2021 - around the world that they need to develop or bring to market their product or service...OpenService, Product development and innovation
Involving international expertsClosed31.12.2021 - of export advisors in priority markets as well as other services and grants provided by EIS to obtain market information and contacts... of approved projects has been reserved and the service is therefore closed, but preliminary work... to reopen the service is already underway. We take into account the input gathered from partner...ClosedService, Eksport
Target market seminarsOpen28.12.2021 - We organise seminars so that you can receive introductory information for entering the target country and networking...OpenService, Eksport