Enterprise Estonia established a list of Estonian manufacturers of personal protection and disinfection equipment
Enterprise Estonia (EAS) established a list of Estonian manufacturers who currently or potentially have the ability to manufacture personal protection and disinfection equipment. The website www.eas.ee/isikukaitsevahendid presents the product range offered by Estonian companies as well as their contact details, so that interested parties can contact the manufacturers.
According to Tanel Rebane, the Director of the Trade Development Agency of Enterprise Estonia, the purpose of the website is to unite the demand and supply. “In addition to the medical sector, to which the state is attending centrally, the demand for personal protection and disinfection equipment has also increased in other sectors. For example, in the trade sector and certainly in the industrial sector, as well as elsewhere. It is important for all companies to protect their employees,” said Rebane.
He emphasised that when ordering protective equipment, it is essential to confirm that it meets the requirements and, if necessary, to consult the Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority (TTJA). The TTJA advises all entrepreneurs on a daily basis. A separate e-mail address [email protected] has also been established to provide information and advice.
“We are thankful for all those companies that have helped us with their ideas and are ready to approach matters flexibly,” said Rebane, adding that other companies manufacturing personal protection equipment can also make themselves known by filling out the registration form at the end of the page.